29 Ways To Guarantee You’ll Get Better Results

  1. You’ll get better results when you try harder.
  2. You’ll get better results when you stop making excuses.
  3. You’ll get better results when you care more about others.
  4. You’ll get better results when you ask for help.
  5. You’ll get better results when you doubt less.
  6. You’ll get better results when you stop being petty.
  7. You’ll get better results when you start being creative.
  8. You’ll get better results when you put together a better plan.
  9. You’ll get better results when you learn something new.
  10. You’ll get better results when you deny yourself immediate gratification.
  11. You’ll get better results when you build a team to conquer with you.
  12. You’ll get better results when you stop letting fear call the shots.
  13. You’ll get better results when you listen for answers.
  14. You’ll get better results when take time to be inspired.
  15. You’ll get better results when you ignore the criticism of the crowd.
  16. You’ll get better results when you fight through the pain.
  17. You’ll get better results when you have a better attitude.
  18. You’ll get better results when you aren’t afraid of failure.
  19. You’ll get better results when you just try one more time.
  20. You’ll get better results when you understand what is important to other people.
  21. You’ll get better results when stop believing everything you hear.
  22. You’ll get better results when you control whats in your mind.
  23. You’ll get better results when you say “Thank You” and “I’m Sorry” more.
  24. You’ll get better results when you stop taking yourself out of the game.
  25. You’ll get better results when you tough it out a little more.
  26. You’ll get better results when you believe what you’re doing is worth it.
  27. You’ll get better results when you’re tired of losing all the time.
  28. You’ll get better results when you quit holding back and go “all in”.
  29. You’ll get better results when you stop being so damn selfish.

Dan Waldschmidt, 29 Ways To Guarantee You’ll Get Better Results