Understanding is merely the instrumentalization of knowing-being. Any active attempt to understand must be circumvented by prior knowledge, as such, lest it seek validation in the comprehension of things through the covering of beings’ being.


We may one day look back in regret at this comfortable, civilized time in our lives. We may one day see the American miracle: investments in nothing transformed into just what we deserved.

They are acing it, these guys. Election Day is now only a month away. The demoralized Democrats are held hostage by the unemployment numbers. And along comes this marvelous gift out of nowhere, Christine O’Donnell, Tea Party everywoman, who just may be the final ingredient needed to camouflage a billionaires’ coup as a populist surge. By the time her fans discover that any post-election cuts in government spending will be billed to them, and not the Tea Party’s shadowy backers, she’ll surely be settling her own debts with fat paychecks from “Fox & Friends.”

Frank Rich, “The Very Useful Idiocy of Christine O’Donnell,” New York Times, October 2, 2010